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Vape Products

CBD Oil E-Liquid, Vape Additive and Pre-filled Carts

CBD oil e-liquid is a type of CBD that is intended to be ingested through inhalation using a vape device. Discover CBD offers both E-liquid designed to fill any style tank as well as pre-filled cartridges that screw onto a battery with a 510 thread. Whether you prefer tropical flavors or a natural earthy taste, Discover CBD has everything for your vaping needs.

High-Quality CBD Without the High End Price Tag

When you purchase CBD vape products and E-liquids from Discover CBD, you are working with one of the first-ever CBD companies to enter the industry. Our years of research and development ensure our products are of the highest quality and provide the ultimate vaping experience! Our products are free of harmful preservatives, solvents, additives and potentially dangerous oils.

Quick Absorption, Faster Effects

Many customers choose to vape CBD because of the quick absorption rate from the lungs into the bloodstream. However, many customers find that the effects of vaping CBD is not as long lasting as other methods of consumption. This is perfect for people who are looking for an immediate effect from a CBD product.

Boost Your Favorite E-Liquid

Have a favorite E-liquid from another brand? The Active CBD vape additive is a great way to enhance your vaping experience with CBD. Containing 1,000mg of CBD, you can customize the strength without sacrificing flavor. Achieve high dosage E-liquids easily by simply adding a few drops of this easy to dispense product.

Discover CBD’s mission is to provide the safest and easiest way to vape CBD oil E-liquid.


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